Media Access Schedule for the Funeral of Former First Lady Rosalynn Carter

Nov. 20, 2023

The following details are intended to assist media in planning coverage of these events; updates and changes are possible. Only pool media will be allowed inside ceremonies, but there are courtesy positions outside of the various sites that will be open to media who register in advance, space permitting. Links to register for these outdoor courtesy positions are below. Please direct questions to:



The first official ceremonies in Atlanta happen on Monday, Nov. 27. There will be a courtesy broadcast location at The Carter Center now through Wednesday, Nov. 29, and a courtesy broadcast location on the lawn of Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church at Emory University on Tuesday, Nov. 28.


The Carter Center, Nov. 20 - Nov. 25

Media may park small vehicles only (no large satellite trucks) in the lower parking lot where the Farmers Market is held. Reporting can be done at the Circle of Flags or in the grassy area (the Triangle) across from the Carter Presidential Center sign. Requests for interviews about Mrs. Carter’s legacy should be submitted to

No building access is allowed. Please bring a press ID and check in with Carter Center Communications staff. No advance registration required.


The Carter Center, Nov. 26

Media can report from the Triangle using backpacks and sticks beginning early in the morning – no vehicle parking will be allowed. Media who wish to park a satellite truck in the Triangle on Sunday will need to first register by 6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 24, at this link: JCLAM registration form. Further instructions will be provided once the request is approved, but we expect marshaling to take place at Yaarab Shrine at 11 a.m. on Nov. 26. Media should expect to keep their trucks in place until midday on Tuesday.

No generators allowed. No Wi-Fi provided. A fuel truck will come in once a day, and media will need to pay for the fuel.


The Carter Center, Nov. 27

Morning: Roads surrounding The Carter Center are expected to be closed. Media can report from the Triangle. (If you do not have a truck in place, plan to hike in with backpacks and sticks.)

~ 2 p.m.: Media who have signed up for a courtesy location in the outdoor press pen will move into place to report on the arrival ceremony. (Sign-up here: JCLAM registration form; backpacks and sticks only; media move back to Triangle once arrival ceremony ends.)

3:15 p.m.: Arrival ceremony at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum.

3:30 p.m.: Repose service in lobby of the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum. Note: Video pool coverage provided by WAGA-TV; still pool coverage provided by AP.

6-10 p.m.: Members of the public pay their respects as Mrs. Carter lies in repose at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum. Parking and a shuttle will be available at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 435 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta. Note: Media can report from the Triangle; WAGA-TV will provide pool coverage.


The Carter Center, Nov. 28

Morning: Roads surrounding The Carter Center are expected to be closed. Media can report from the Triangle (if you do not have a truck in place, expect to hike in with backpacks and sticks).

~ 9:30 a.m.: Media who have signed up for a courtesy location in the press pen will move into place to report on the departure ceremony. (Sign-up here: JCLAM registration form; backpacks and sticks only.)

11:30 a.m.: Departure ceremony

~ 3:15 p.m.: Roads reopen. Trucks allowed to leave the Triangle. Reporting can continue throughout the evening from the Triangle.


Glenn Memorial Church, Nov. 28

Media who wish to report from a position on the Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church lawn will need to register by 6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 24, at this link: Glenn Registration Form. Media parking will be across the street. Reporters can use backpacks and sticks only. Note: This is for an outdoor position only; WSB-TV will provide pool video coverage from inside the service, and AP will provide pool still photos.

~ 4 a.m.: Media check-in for Glenn Memorial lawn. Prepare for Secret Service sweep ~ 6 a.m. Specific times to come. After the sweep, media must remain in place until after the service.

1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.: Tribute service

2:30-10 p.m.: Media may continue reporting from the Glenn Memorial lawn.



Plains has no public ceremonies until Monday, Nov. 27. From today through Nov. 27, a courtesy broadcast location will be established in downtown Plains at 104 E. Church St., Hwy 280, near the Billy Carter Gas Station Museum. This location provides a backdrop of storefronts in rural downtown Plains. There is no dedicated media parking, but please be respectful of local businesses and private properties in the vicinity.


Phoebe Sumter Medical Center & Georgia Southwestern, Nov. 27

5 a.m.

Courtesy broadcast locations open at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center and Georgia Southwestern State University

6:45 a.m.

Media documenting the movement at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center must be in place. NOTE: Use of pool coverage by WANF-TV is encouraged, as there are movements at multiple locations to document this day in Sumter County and Atlanta.

There will be an outdoor courtesy broadcast location for media. Media must pre-register at this link: PSMC registration form. Space is limited.

8 a.m.

Media documenting the motorcade pause at Georgia Southwestern State University (GSW) later this morning must be in place at the GSW courtesy broadcast location. NOTE: Use of pool coverage by WANF-TV is encouraged.

10:25-10:40 a.m.

Family motorcade at Phoebe Sumter Medical Center. Honorary pallbearers here are past members of Mrs. Carter’s Secret Service detail.

11-11:20 a.m.

Motorcade at the Rosalynn Carter Health and Human Sciences Building 1 at GSW. Representatives of the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers and Georgia Southwestern State University will place wreaths at a statue of Rosalynn Carter.

There will be an outdoor courtesy broadcast location. Media must pre-register at this link: GSW registration form. Space is limited, and the use of WANF-TV pool coverage is encouraged.

Note: There is no pool coverage of any motorcade movements.

Note: The Downtown Plains courtesy location remains available on Nov. 27 as it has on the previous days.


Downtown Plains, Nov. 28

5 a.m.

Unilateral courtesy broadcast location opens.


Unilateral courtesy broadcast location closes.


Downtown Plains, Nov. 29

Media wishing to access this area on Nov. 29 should RSVP by 6 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 24, at this link: Plains registration form. After your space is confirmed, credentials will be issued upon arrival at the site. A current media photo ID is required.

6 a.m.

All media must be in place at the courtesy standup location at 104 E. Church St. (Hwy 280) in downtown Plains. This position provides a view of the motorcade as it travels from the church to interment. Be prepared for a cable run of 1,000-1,500 feet.

12:30 p.m.

Motorcade departs the church and passes the media standup location in downtown Plains (Intersection of Hwy 280 and Bond Street) en route to the interment site for a private burial service.

10 p.m. 

 Downtown Plains courtesy media location closes.


Maranatha Baptist Church, Nov. 29

5 a.m.

All media must be in place at the courtesy broadcast location outside Maranatha Baptist Church. This position provides a view of the motorcade arrival and departure from the church. See location and registration details below.

10:50 a.m.

Funeral procession arrives at Maranatha Baptist Church. Note: Pool coverage provided by WXIA-TV.

Outside the church, there will be a courtesy broadcast area for media who have pre-registered at this link: Maranatha registration form. The motorcade arrival and departure at the church will be viewable from this location. Only pool will be inside the church. Spaces are limited.

11 a.m.

Private service at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains. Note: Pool coverage inside the church provided by WXIA-TV. 

12:30 p.m.

Motorcade departs the church and passes the media standup location in downtown Plains (Intersection of Hwy 280 and Bond Street) en route to the interment site for a private burial service.


 Private interment at residence in Plains. No media coverage allowed.



Updates and schedules will be posted to the Carter family’s official tribute site at

All media inquiries should be submitted to:

Questions about how to access pool feeds should be sent to: Ricci Garni,

There are several opportunities for the public to view the funeral motorcade to and from services in Americus and Plains, and to pay their respects at the repose at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum. We hope you will help us disseminate this information. Routes will be released the day prior to each movement.

The family’s official online condolence book, public visitation guide, biographical information, and images can be found at Please feel free to share this site with the public. Video and photos for download by media are at:

In lieu of flowers, the family has requested gifts be made to the Carter Center Mental Health Program and the Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregivers at GSW. Gifts can be made online at Flower drops: 

  • Atlanta: The Carter Center (granite entrance sign), 453 John Lewis Freedom Parkway, on the northeast corner of the property near the intersection of North Highland Avenue and John Lewis Freedom Parkway.
  • Plains: In the center of the downtown square on U.S. Hwy 280.

Road closures and other transportation details surrounding ceremonies in Georgia will be announced by local and state authorities. 
